# Triangles ![Screenshot](/extras/Screenshot.jpg?raw=true) Triangles, according to its creative name, is about triangles. There are three heroes at the moment, and each one is a triangle. ## Installation CMakeLists.txt is included, but probably does not work. I would appreciate feedback from fellow Linux users. This CMakeLists.txt is not optimized for Windows, because I have no clue how CMake works on Windows. There is a win32 build for Triangles 0.0.7, but probably does not work: [download here.](http://bit.ly/windows-triangles) ## How to play You are a triangle made of glass. You have four bullets. You have to find your way to the wormhole and escape the labyrinth, without having turned into a circle with torn edges. Controls are as follows (rebindable only from the source code at the moment): * W, S — acceleration * A, D — rotation * Left control — torch * Space — shot * F9 — screen resolution, descending * F10 — vsync on/off (enabled by default) * F11 — fullscren on/off If you are launching from a console, you can also preconfigure Triangles with program arguments, e.g. --resolution=1280x720 --borderlesswindow. Run the executable with --help or -h option to learn more. Normally you play with a jungling triangle. 10% of the time an illuminati triangle will spawn. There is also a secret third triangle dedicated to GtDM. Good fun, have luck. ## Todo * Map support. * Removal of ltbl (which is temporal). * More positive vibes and a better mental attitude. * ... ## License The code is licensed in GPLv3. See LICENSE file for licensing information. The non-code files are CC-By-SA 4.0, unless stated otherwise in about.txt. Triangles copies [this version](https://github.com/JumpingToasts/LTBL2) of [LTBL2](https://github.com/222464/LTBL2) in ltbl subdirectory. LTBL is licensed in zlib/png. ## Appendix Big thanks to (alphabetically): Dagoniar, GtDM, OwocekTV, Ununoctium.