const Discord = require ( 'discord.js' ); const Client = new Discord.Client ( ); const logger = require ( './logger.js' ); const Config = require ( './config.json' ); const fs = require ( 'fs' ); let isVoiceChannel = false; let dispatcher = undefined; let voteSkips = 0; let voteSkipped = { }; let globalVoiceChannel = null; let songs = []; let songQueue = []; function shuffleArray ( array ) { let newArray = Array.from ( array ); let remaining = newArray.length, index, temp; while ( remaining > 0 ) { index = Math.floor ( ( Math.random ( ) * remaining ) ); remaining = remaining - 1; temp = newArray [remaining]; newArray [remaining] = newArray [index]; newArray [index] = temp; } return newArray; } function musicQueueRandomize ( ) { logger.log ( '[Info/automusic] a new song queue will now be randomized!' ); songQueue = shuffleArray ( songs ); } function musicQueueInsert ( song ) { logger.log ( '[Info/automusic] added song to queue: ' + song ); songQueue.push ( song ); } function musicQueuePop ( ) { return songQueue.pop ( ); } function getNextSong ( ) { if ( songQueue.length > 0 ) return musicQueuePop ( ); else { generateSongList ( ); musicQueueRandomize ( ); return musicQueuePop ( ); } } function generateSongList ( ) { songs = [ ]; fs.readdirSync ( './playlist' ).forEach ( function ( file ) { songs.push ( file ); } ); } function musicQueueGet ( ) { return Array.from ( songQueue ); } function playMusic ( ) { let song = getNextSong ( ); logger.log ( '[Sound/automusic] now playing: ' + song ); let voiceChannel = Client.channels.get ( Config.channel_id ); globalVoiceChannel = voiceChannel; if ( voiceChannel instanceof Discord.VoiceChannel ) { voiceChannel.join ( ).then ( ( connection ) => { connection.on ( 'disconnect', function ( ) { logger.log ( '[Info/automusic] disconnected from channel, will reconnect soon' ); setTimeout ( function ( ) { logger.log ( '[Info/automusic] reconnecting' ); playMusic ( ); }, 3000 ); } ); globalConnection = connection; dispatcher = ( './playlist/' + song, { passes: 3 } ); dispatcher.on ( 'error', function ( m ) { logger.error ( m ); } ); dispatcher.on ( 'end', ( ) => { setTimeout ( function ( ) { let announcer = ( './announcer.mp3', { passes: 3 } ); announcer.on ( 'error', function ( m ) { logger.error ( m ); } ); logger.log ( '[Info/automusic] playing announcer' ); announcer.on ( 'end', ( ) => { voteSkips = 0; voteSkipped = { }; logger.log ( '[Info/automusic] song concluded, playing another random song' ); setTimeout ( function ( ) { playMusic ( ); }, 500 ); } ); }, 1000 ); } ); } ) .catch ( ( error ) => { logger.log ( '[Error/automusic] cannot join voice channel' ); logger.log ( error ); } ); } else { logger.log ( '[Info/automusic] WARNING! ' + Config.channel_id + ' is not a valid voice channel id!' ); } } Client.on ( 'ready', ( ) => { // client is ready logger.log ( '[Info/automusic] logged in!' ); Client.user.setActivity ( 'weeb shit', { type: 'LISTENING' } ); playMusic ( ); } ); Client.on ( 'warning', function ( m ) { logger.warn ( m ); } ) .on ( 'error', function ( m ) { logger.error ( m ); } ) .on ( 'disconnect', ( ) => { logger.warn ( '[Info/automusic] disconnected!' ); } ); function formatResponse ( text ) { if ( typeof text === 'string' ) return text.replace( /`/g, "`" + String.fromCharCode ( 8203 ) ).replace ( /@/g, "@" + String.fromCharCode ( 8203 ) ); else return text; } Client.on ( 'message', ( message ) => { // maintenance if ( message.content.startsWith ( '$voteskip' ) ) { let userid =; let onlineusers = globalVoiceChannel.members.size; let required = Math.floor ( ( onlineusers - 1 ) / 2 ); if ( !voteSkipped [userid] ) { voteSkips++; ( "Zarejestrowano twój glos **" + voteSkips + "/" + ( required + 1 ) + "**" ); voteSkipped [userid] = true; if ( voteSkips > Math.floor ( ( onlineusers - 1 ) / 2 ) ) { ( "Głosem większości dostępnych piosenka została pominięta." ); dispatcher.end ( ); } } else { ( "Twój głos był już zarejestrowany." ); } } else if ( message.content.startsWith ( '$cancelvote' ) ) { let userid =; let onlineusers = globalVoiceChannel.members.size; let required = Math.floor ( ( onlineusers - 1 ) / 2 ); if ( voteSkipped [userid] ) { voteSkips--; ( "Wycofano twój głos **" + voteSkips + "/" + ( required + 1 ) + "**" ); voteSkipped [userid] = false; } else { ( "Nie głosowałeś za pominięciem tej piosenki." ); } } else if ( message.content.startsWith ( '$lock' ) ) { ( "Nie będę wyłączał tej chujowej piosenki z demokratycznego głosowania." ); } else if ( message.content.startsWith ( '$skip' ) && message.member.hasPermission( 'KICK_MEMBERS' ) ) { dispatcher.end ( ); return; } else if ( message.content.startsWith ( '$eval ' ) && === '276791868141076480' ) { try { let payload = message.content.substring ( 6, message.content.length ); let output = true; let result = eval ( payload ); if ( output ) ( formatResponse ( result ), { code: 'xl' } ); } catch ( error ) { ( '```' + formatResponse ( error ) + '```' ); } return; } } ); Client.on ( 'disconnect', function ( ) { logger.error ( '[Error/musicbot] disconnected. bot will try to reconnect soon (10 seconds)' ); setTimeout ( function ( ) { logger.log ( '[Info/musicbot] reconnecting' ); Client.login ( Config.token ); }, 10000 ); } ); = function ( ) { logger.log ( '[Info/musicbot] initializing bot account' ); Client.login ( Config.token ); } module.exports.musicQueueInsert = musicQueueInsert; module.exports.musicQueuePop = musicQueuePop; module.exports.musicQueueRandomize = musicQueueRandomize; module.exports.musicQueueGet = musicQueueGet;