Bagelicious.tscn 9.2 KB

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  55. [color=#b14b54ff][font_size=16]★★☆☆☆[/font_size] [font_size=9]61 reviews[/font_size][/color]
  56. [color=#f9a9abff][font_size=18]Popular[/font_size][/color]"
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  75. text = "[color=#f9ddabff][b]1. Bagel Deluxe[/b]
  76. [font_size=10]With no additives or chemicals and only organic 100% premium hormone-free brown sugar, we serve up a bagel so delicious you will be left speechless.[/font_size][/color]
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  100. text = "[color=#f9ddabff][b]4. Concrete Bagel[/b]
  101. [font_size=10]This bagel is an eternal classic. The base of the bagel is a concrete patty that's layered with laminate.[/font_size][/color]
  102. [color=#f9a9abff][font_size=15]14.99 💰[/font_size][/color]"
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