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- offset_right = 80.0
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- description = "[center][font_size=18]METEOR CARROT (Q)[/font_size][/center][font size=14]
- This plant has evolved a machine gun for self-defense.
- [color=#8888FF]Low-range rapid-fire gun[/color]"
- icon = ExtResource("3_hykl0")
- plant = ExtResource("4_qd155")
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- description = "[center][font_size=18]METEOR PARSLEY (W)[/font_size][/center][font size=14]
- Has a superiority complex over Meteor Carrot.
- [color=#8888FF]Medium-range rapid-fire gun[/color]"
- icon = ExtResource("6_laq2b")
- plant = ExtResource("7_xdref")
- hotkey = 87
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- offset_top = 152.0
- offset_right = 80.0
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- description = "[center][font_size=18]CUCUMBER (E)[/font_size][/center][font size=14]
- Used to be a rock, but it turned itself into a cucumber.
- [color=#8888FF]Long-range ballista[/color]"
- icon = ExtResource("8_yg5q2")
- plant = ExtResource("9_si7tt")
- hotkey = 69
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- offset_top = 228.0
- offset_right = 80.0
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- description = "[center][font_size=18]FLAMEFRUIT (R)[/font_size][/center][font size=14]
- Said to host a miniature dragon den.
- [color=#8888FF]Short-range incinerator[/color]"
- icon = ExtResource("10_vimv2")
- plant = ExtResource("11_t5qna")
- hotkey = 82
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- offset_top = 304.0
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- [img width=14]res://res/uoh.png[/img][img width=14]res://res/uoh.png[/img][img width=14]res://res/uoh.png[/img]
- [color=#8888FF]Damages every enemy within range[/color]"
- icon = ExtResource("12_12d5p")
- plant = ExtResource("13_1l6ff")
- hotkey = 84
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- offset_top = 380.0
- offset_right = 80.0
- offset_bottom = 452.0
- description = "[center][font_size=18]MISSDEMANDRAKE (Y)[/font_size][/center][font size=14]
- A curious hybrid of mandrake and electric cabbage.
- [color=#8888FF]Strikes the healthiest enemy with lightning.[/color]"
- icon = ExtResource("2_ktgqv")
- plant = ExtResource("6_benw2")
- hotkey = 89
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- text = "Restart"
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