extends Control @export_multiline var description = "" @export var icon: Texture @export var plant: PackedScene @export var hotkey: int var t_cost: int = -1 var shown: bool = false func _input(ev): var b = $MarginContainer/Button if ev is InputEventKey and ev.keycode == hotkey and !ev.pressed and !b.disabled: b._on_pressed() func _ready(): var p = plant.instantiate() description += "\n[color=#88FFFF]Root strength: " + str(p.max_hp) + "[/color]" description += "\n[color=#FF8888]Base damage: " + str(p.attack_damage) + "[/color]" description += "\n[color=#88FF88]Fire rate: " + str(p.attack_rate) + "s [/color]" description += "\n[color=#FFFF88]Cost: " + str(p.cost) + "[/color]" description += "[/font]" t_cost = p.cost find_child("Label").set_text("[center][font_size=18]???[/font_size][/center]") find_child("Button").set_button_icon(icon) updoot(19) func updoot(money: int): if t_cost >= 0 and money >= t_cost: set_modulate(Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) $MarginContainer/Button.set_disabled(false) else: set_modulate(Color(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1.0)) $MarginContainer/Button.set_disabled(true) if t_cost >= 0 and shown == false and money >= t_cost - 10: find_child("Label").set_text(description) shown = true